(Sunlun Vipassana Monastery.)
Continued from the article, ‘Those 18 Days'
The head of the Sunlun Vipassana Meditation Centre, Venerable Sayadaw U Wara returned from the Kyaukpadaung and a short visit to Maymyo (Mandalay Division, Burma) on the 7th January of 2019. After His final visit from the long and a short trip, we heard that Sayadaw was not very well and needed more rest.
(The corner belongs to Wednesday, for all the Wednesday-born including Sayadaw U Vinaya, and Sayadaw U Wara.)
We tried to continue to practice meditation every day at the morning session in the Sunlun monastery, and prayed for His health. I often went to the Wednesday Corner (The visitor can easily see the eight corners represent seven-days-born under the sacred Banyan Tree, each at the eight points of each corner, in the Sunlun Monastery Campus.) that for a Wednesday-born and there I wished for His Health. I tried my best to do meditation and I believed my prayers did come from the deepest of my heart.
Now two months passed.
Our effort of trying to go continuously every morning and doing meditation at the Sunlun Monastery was now paid off. Sayadaw U Wara for the first time attended to the meditation room today (on the 9th March of 2019) after two months of recovery. He gave a short speech to all the yogis here. We all were excited to meet Sayadaw well and see Him in a good health. But He needs more rest to stay to be strong and healthy.
Sayadaw Words wet my eyes when I heard what He said,
‘... I was treated for two months, …. After surviving the treatment, I realized that This Sunlun Method of Vipassana Meditation is the best ….and I have no more fear of death.’
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