My Life Will Go On, The Picture of Junior Win by Junior Win

 (The Front Cover - My Life Will Go On, The Picture of Junior Win, by Junior Win.)

My book,My Life Will Go On, The Picture of Junior Win’ was published on July of 2018 from Moemaka publication, Burma. This book was renew edition, and updated publication of the first one; ‘My Life will go on’ in 2013.

I was feeling about the book that I was talking my life as Mock Turtle that was talking nonsense while crying to its listeners including me although we were laughing at him . By the way, my readers will see my life as I was born to be a writer, beggars cannot be choosers, and also as a writer (no more, no less) picturing myself as much as an artist could paint.

(The Back Cover of the book)

All the full-illustrations in ink by my twin brother, Maung Yit, an cartoonist whom I asked for all the fillers of my book. My readers must familiar with this book if you read regularly all the serial articles of My Life Will Go On in my blog. But you will see the difference between in-print, and online reading if you will have this book to your hand.

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