Book Review – A Buddhist Pilgrim’s Progress – by Khin
Myo Chit
My grandmother, Khin
Myo Chit wrote such a booklet when she was in 1955, and she felt at that time
that she had been a good Buddhist in her childhood; she did her devotional
duties at the household shrine with daily offering of flowers and candles; she
offered alms food to the monks, she did all the task that a good Buddhist
should do; but now she stood in the wilderness of doubt and despair in her
heart. Hoping to find an answer to her problem she read books on her own. But
she could not find the answer which could comfort her despair.
Whether she was a good
Buddhist, she once was prejudiced against monasteries and their activities;
‘It’s just one of the publicity stunts to bring more visitors’, she thought.
She was prejudiced against meditation centres too. But Bauktaw Sun Lun Kyaung
(Sun Lun Monastery Meditation Centre) seemed to be different to her. Two of her
good friends who were a well-known politician and a well to do businessman, had
gone there, and became monks. The news made her to go and visit the monastery. She
admitted that she just went there because of her two friends, …
Her friends advised her
to try the method of meditation they practiced. She, and her husband (my
grandfather), and their teenage son (my father) decided to go to the monastery
daily and tried to practice meditation. After a few days, although her husband
and her son were taking the practice very well, it seemed too tough to her.
‘How can I breathe for 45 minutes when a few puffs leave me fatigued… nose
is getting stuffed….I am feeling giddy….too much oxygen or that other stuff…my
chest is getting contracted…oh no I can’t.’
But she practiced by
the instruction of the meditation masters, she had a last desperate try in
accordance with his instruction, breathing came easier and all the pains
disappeared and she could to be filled with strange elation. After fighting
through physical pains, she became to know what it was to have a calm mind. Her
heart was filled with gratitude towards Sayadaws(venerable monks).
During her meditation,
she had a dream. She said those dreams were as delightful vision to her. For
two or three chapters of the book, she wrote about discussion with meditation
master and herself, about her experiences in meditation. She decided to go and
stay in the monastery for a week and practice. Her experiences during the
sessions made her know for certain that it not a reliable from suffering. After
many experiences of practice meditation, hearing the instructions of the
meditation master, she herself had no difficulty in breathing. She went on
practicing regularly, disciplining herself to be mindful in her thoughts and
actions. She knew now she was on the right path. She knew she only had to go on
practicing to reach the goal.
She finally said that
the narrative has come to an end, but obviously not the journey, which will go
until she has attained enlightenment, which obviously will not be in this life.
She chose her life as a writer as that she carried on the tradition of her
meditation masters, and she added this book is one of the results.
Buddhist should do; but now she stood in the wilderness of doubt and despair in her heart. Hoping to bingo online find an answer to her problem she read books on her own. But she could not find the answer which could comfort her despair.