Let’s think of the simple things!

"Let's think of the simple things.
Let's begin with the simple things.
Hold on first, to the simple things….
and always keep in mind that the simple things,
Oh! what an ironie, are very often, like the diamond
the most difficult to find."
This poem was come from French Poem. It was translated into English.
Poem said simplest things are like the diamonds, the most difficult to
Here the story began..
When I was at the University, there were seminars held for students. I
had a paper to talk in public before the professors. My paper was
written simply by the instruction of my father. My father said I had
to write and talk simply. He added even who did not know about
mathematics could understand my paper.
On the day of the seminar, each student talked of their subjects to
the audience. My paper aroused the curiosity of the listeners. It was
because of my simple explanation and simple writing of my paper.
Others papers were different from me. They wrote their papers
difficultly. After they had finished their turn, no one dare to
question them. They were impressed. The professors were impressed by
their papers too. But I could not get good impression from the
professors even from the public.
I thought the matter came to the conclusion that simple things were
easy to understand but it was unimpressed. The difficult things did a
good impression of the public.
(The above poem was translated into English by my father, Dr.Khin
Maung Win, who had similar experiences when he read the papers and
guided Ph.D thesis, about which he recounted in his articles.)
